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Date: 11/3/2021
Subject: ACTION ALERT: John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
From: Beth Hendrix

Action Alert
The John Lewis
Voting Rights Advancement Act


Contact Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper NOW about your support of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (JLVRAA)!


The JLVRAA will fully restore the Voting Rights Act (VRA) and ensure renewed oversight, accountability and justice in our democracy. We must ensure that every voter is treated fairly at the ballot box and has equal access to vote.


The attack on our freedom to vote must come to an end.


Since the Supreme Court decision in Shelby County v. Holder rolled back key provisions of the VRA, the voting rights of millions have been threatened. These attacks have become more prevalent in the last few years, with the VRA being further comprised in the more recent Brnovich v. DNC.


At this critical moment in our nation’s history, we need the JLVRAA!


Tell your senators to vote YES on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and live up to the full promise of American democracy.


Sen. Bennet: Website 202-224-5852

Sen. Hickenlooper: Website / 202-224-5941


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