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Date: 10/29/2021
Subject: Board Briefings - Notes from the October LWVCO Board Meeting
From: Beth Hendrix

Board Briefings
October 29, 2021

President's Letter:

How To Talk About The League

From Karen Sheek, LWVCO Board President...

Dear LWVCO League Members,

At our October Board Meeting, Executive Director Beth Hendrix reminded us that each Board member is also a LWVCO ambassador, and she encouraged us to think about how we might represent the League outside of League activities. Though we are often called upon to make formal presentations as representatives of the League, there are many spur-of-the moment occasions when we might promote the League. To take advantage of these informal occasions and maximize the potential to get the League message out, Beth emphasized that preparation is important, and she encouraged each Board member to create a League elevator speech.

According to one online resource, “an ideal elevator pitch should spark interest, be interesting and memorable, and last about 30 to 60 seconds (the length of an average elevator ride, hence the name). Any longer and you risk losing your audience's attention; any shorter and you might leave out important information.”

A good elevator speech is a good story — often a personal narrative, shared with passion to spur the listener to action. “Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy” are noble words but sharing one’s personal connection to the League makes the organization relatable in a way that a catch phrase or mission statement may not.
While Beth’s comments were directed to the Board, I now direct them to every League member in our state. Each of you can be an ambassador for our organization — sharing our message and potentially recruiting new volunteers to engage in the important work the League does.


Read the rest of Karen's letter on our website to see her additional advice.
Karen also had a Letter To The Editor published this week in The Journal!

News You Can Use

Ballot Issues Material Available
With November 2 just around the corner, LWVCO has produced several resources for local Leagues to prepare for Election Day.
This year, there are three state issues on the ballot: Amendment 78 and Propositions 119 and 120.
Visit the Document Library for a toolkit containing reference guides (in English and Spanish) as well as presentations and graphics to help educate your communities.

LWVPPR Unveils Mural In Colo. Springs

LWVPPR's mural project kicked off last year to celebrate the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote. The intent of this artwork is to be an educational adventure, showcasing diverse women throughout history who protested and fought for this right. The ribbon signifies the intertwining of women and the continued struggle for full equality.
The mural site is located on the Palmer High School auditorium wall that faces Platte Avenue. A celebration event will take place on Monday, Nov. 1 at 12:30 p.m. State and local leaders are expected to be in attendance.
Donations are welcomed to support this special project. Checks can be made payable to LWVCO Ed Fund (memo line: LWVPPR Mural) and mailed to LWVPPR, P.O. Box 7888, Colorado Springs, CO 80933. Credit card donations can be made online.

  Law Journal Explores Electoral College


The latest volume of the American Constitution Society's law review, the Harvard Law & Policy Review, includes six articles that focus on the Electoral College. This journal provides a forum for legal scholars, policymakers and practitioners to discuss practical applications to challenges in our society. The articles in this volume are derived from an Electoral College symposium that was held before the "faithless elector" decisions by the Supreme Court in July 2020, but these analyses of electoral politics and democracy are still relevant.

  Upcoming LWVCO Office Closures


Please note that the LWVCO office will be closed on Friday, Nov. 12 in observance of Veterans Day and on Thursday, Nov. 25 in observance of Thanksgiving.

Do you have something in mind for your local League that will also help serve our overall program, education and outreach goals? Apply for a Project Grant!


These grants are awarded on a rolling basis with no deadline, but the review and approval process takes up to 45 days. Your application must be approved by your local League's Board before you submit it for state League consideration. Each local League is eligible for a maximum of $500 per fiscal year. Recipients are also required to provide an Outcomes Report within one year of being awarded any grant funds.


Learn more and apply today!

Upcoming Events

Colorado Takes Action For Gun Safety
Monday, Nov. 8
7:00 p.m.
Presented by LWV Larimer County
Join Moms Demand Action for a virtual panel discussion with local leaders and lawyers about steps that communities can take in support of gun safety. Topics covered will include the six new gun laws in Colorado as well as the Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO).

Suicide & Youth: Saving Lives In Our Community
Wednesday, Nov. 10
6:00 p.m.
Presented by LWV Uncompahgre Valley
Join The Center For Mental Health for this important virtual forum. What leads to suicide, and how are we working to stop it? Hear from counselors and local leaders about the need for prevention and intervention against this crisis.

Winning With Women
Thursday, Nov. 18
6:00 p.m.
Presented by LWV Colorado
Colorado 50-50 is an organization that is dedicated to gender parity in all elected and appointed offices. This virtual event will demystify the process of running for office by holding a panel discussion with elected women officials as well as a networking session. Attendees will hear how these women decided to run and what their experiences were both on the campaign trail and in office.


Nov. 9


Nov. 15

1:30 p.m. - The Right To Vote: The National Context & Colorado's Story [Ethics & Ecological Economics Forum]


Nov. 16
9:30 a.m. - West Slope Water Summit [LWV Uncompahgre Valley]

Nov. 20

10:00 a.m. - Zoom Coffee For Members & Guests [LWV Estes Park]

Are any events missing from this list? Please notify to be included in our next email. Thank you!


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