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HomeState League Guide

The League of Women Voters of Colorado (LWVCO) takes a leadership role in voter education and advocacy at the state level and promotes a strong and healthy network of Colorado Leagues through mentorship, leadership development, partnerships, communications, and funding.


We coordinate and lead various activities and set the tone for education and action statewide.

The State League takes the lead in providing voter education and information on state issues. This includes producing materials such as pamphlets, PowerPoint presentations, and publications like "Your Voice, Your Vote" and "Ballot Issues" to inform voters.

We manage and fund VOTE411 statewide and maintain expertise to answer questions and provide support on voter education matters. We organize webinars and presentations on voting and  policy-related issues, open to the public.

The State League engages in advocacy efforts to promote our positions on legislative matters at the Colorado Capitol, including our Legislative Action Committee and Report. We regularly issue calls to action, Action Alerts, to mobilize members and supporters. LWVCO provides a respected platform for advocacy at the statewide level, open to any Colorado member.


LWVCO has created nine issue-based, action-oriented task forces to allow members easy access to the League’s advocacy platform. These task forces are meant to augment work being done at the local level and inform the work of the Legislative Action Committee.


LWVCO also promotes the LWV to state officials, coordinates state and national studies, takes positions on ballot issues, and provides toolkits to support informed advocacy efforts.

LWVCO supports and motivates local Leagues within their jurisdiction by providing assistance, guidance, and resources as needed. This can include answering questions and brainstorming solutions, making connections, and facilitating communication between local Leagues.


The State League organizes events such as the Legislative Conference, “Making Democracy Work! Day,” and various other programs. We offer direct funding for projects and implementation grants for technology.


The State League also supports the formation of new Leagues and State League Units. We maintain a  website document library and toolkits for easy access to resources.

LWVCO maintains valuable partnerships on behalf of Colorado Leagues with governmental officials and offices, nonprofits, and coalitions, ensuring representation and promotion of League impacts and values.

The State League handles publicity and communication efforts to disseminate information, engage with the public, and promote League impacts and outcomes.


This includes content creation, developing, designing, and maintaining the website, publishing voter and board briefings, managing social media accounts, coordinating media outreach, sending email blasts, and publishing an annual report.


LWVCO also works to increase communication streams between Colorado Leagues to promote cohesion and idea-sharing and  reduce replication and unnecessary reinvention of the wheel.

The State League undertakes fundraising activities to secure financial resources for our work and that of our Colorado Leagues.


This involves participating in initiatives like Colorado Gives Day, organizing fundraising events like the Leader of Democracy event, and sending advocacy and education letters to solicit donations.


LWVCO works to support local League growth and fundraising through resource sharing, mentorship, and fiscal sponsorship.

LWVCO preserves the history and institutional memory of the organization and engages in strategic planning to guide growth, direction and priorities and maintain relevance.

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