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HomeLWVCO Climate Emergency Transportation Team


The League of Women Voters of Colorado’s Climate Emergency Task Force believes that we need to act immediately. Join our Transportation Team!

1. Our Mission

The League of Women Voters supports environmentally sound and balanced transportation systems that emphasize energy conservation, encourage the use of renewable resources, and promote public health, economic, and environmental equity.

2. Take Action!

The transportation sector is the single largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution both nationwide and in Colorado. Nearly 60% of these emissions come from light-duty vehicles — the majority of cars and trucks that Coloradans drive every day.

  The Transportation Team is currently focusing its efforts in three areas:

  • Tracking and commenting on the development of emissions standards for the transportation sector, including monitoring of CDOT and AQCC rulemaking
  • Ensuring equity in all transportation initiatives (including automobiles, public transportation, and e-bikes) aimed at responding to the climate emergency
  • Promoting consumer education to facilitate the transition to zero-emission vehicles including electric and alternative fuel vehicles
Email Elaine Rideout at for more information or to join the Transportation Team.

3. Meet Our Team

The team is open to all League members in Colorado. Our members are activists who are passionate about fighting climate change.

Our team members are:

  • Don            LWV Pueblo
  • Tom            LWV Jefferson County
  • Alice          LWV Arapahoe and Douglas Counties
  • Elaine       LWV Jefferson County
  • Ann           LWV Adams County
  • Nancy      LWV Jefferson County

4. Information Resources

Colorado Electric Vehicle Plan 2020:
Colorado Electric Vehicle Plan

Colorado Statewide Transportation Plan, August 2020:
Colorado Statewide Transportation Plan

 Appendix J Statewide Transit Plan, August 2020:
 Statewide Transit Plan

Colorado Energy Office Renewable Natural Gas in Transportation: Colorado Market Study 2019:
Colorado Market Study

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2021: "An Update on Public Transportation's Impacts on Greenhouse Gas Emissions", Washington, DC, The National Academies Press:
Public Transportation's Impacts on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Rocky Mountain Institute Transportation:
Rocky Mountain Institute Transportation

5. Monitor Colorado Regulatory Boards and Commissions

Colorado Energy Office:
Colorado Energy Office

Colorado Department of Transportation:
Colorado Department of Transportation

Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment:
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment

Colorado Air Quality Control Commission:
Colorado Air Quality Control Commission

6. Transportation Team Reports

Electric Vehicles in Colorado

7. Colorado Legislation

For League positions, custom summaries and related background, see the LWVCO Legislative Action Committee Page
LWVCO Legislative Action Committee

Transportation legislation passed in 2022. 

Certain bills address the serious Ozone Non-attainment Area


HB22-1026 Alternative transportation options tax credit:

Income tax credit for employers providing options: free or partially subsidized, generally accepted transportation demand management strategies. 



SB22-193 Air quality improvement investments:

Funding for clean air projects such as energy efficiency; renewable energy; beneficial electrification; transportation electrification; clean hydrogen; carbon capture; methane

capture; sustainable aviation fuel; electric bicycles; electrifying school buses.



SB22-180 Programs to reduce ozone through increased transit: 

Ozone season transit grant program for RTD or transit associations to provide free transit for at least 30 days during ozone season.




HB21-1186  Regional Transportation District Operation:


SB21-260 Sustainability of the Transportation System:


SB21-238 Create Front Range Passenger Rail District:


SB20-167 Electric motor vehicle manufacturer and dealer:

HB19-1159 Modify innovative motor vehicle income tax credits:

SB19-077 Electric motor vehicles public utility services:

8. Current News and Upcoming Events on Transportation Issues

The Clean Fleet Enterprise / Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment was established to incentivize and support the use of electric vehicles (or alternative, cleaner fuels) by businesses and governmental entities that own or operate fleets of motor vehicles.  The goal is to mitigate environmental and health impacts of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from fleet motor vehicles being used to provide transportation network company rides and retail deliveries.


A regulatory hearing is scheduled for February 24 to codify the fees already set in statute (HB21-260):

● retail delivery fee of $0.053 per package

● per ride fee of $0.0375 in an electric vehicle, and $0.075 in a gasoline/diesel powered vehicle royalty free image from Pixab

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