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HomeLWVCO Climate Emergency Water Team

LWVCO Water Team

The League of Women Voters of Colorado’s Climate Emergency Task Force believes that we need to act immediately. Join our Water Team!

1. Our Mission

In accordance with the issue position adopted by the League of Women Voters, we support measures that promote the wise and balanced use of water in Colorado.

2. Take Action!

Volunteers work to study issues to adopt formal positions, share information by hosting community presentations, monitor and provide input to state regulatory boards and commissions.

They recommend CALLS TO ACTION to League members, and work with League lobbyists at the local, state and national levels.

Get the most from your League experience by joining the League of Women Voters of Colorado’s Climate Emergency Task Force Water Team. The team is open to all League members in Colorado.

Email Maggi Markey for more information or to join the Water Team.

3. Meet Our Team

Our members are activists who are passionate about fighting climate change and protecting Colorado’s water resources.

4. League of Women Voters Resources

The League of Women Voters of the United States LWV Climate Team’s Water Team:
LWV Climate Team's Water Team

The Climate Emergency Resolution adopted at the League of Women Voters 2020 National Convention:
LWV Climate Emergency Resolution

The League of Women Voters of the United States Issue Positions:
LWV Issue Positions

The League of Women Voters of Colorado’s Issue Positions:
LWVCO Positions For Action

The League of Women Voters of Colorado’s Study Issues:
LWVCO Study Issues

5. Federal Agency Resources

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:

6. Colorado Legislation, Policy and Plans

For League positions, custom summaries and related background, see the LWVCO Legislative Action Committee Page:
LWVCO Legislative Action Committee

Water Conservation and Water Quality legislation passed in 2022. 


HB22-1151 Turf replacement program:

Provides financial incentives for the voluntary replacement of irrigated turf with water-wise landscaping.



HB22-1345 Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals:

Prohibits the sale or distribution of certain products that contain intentionally added PFAS chemicals.  Requires a person that uses firefighting foam to prohibit a release into the environment, fully contain the firefighting foam during its use, safely store, and report certain information to the water quality spills hotline. 


7. State Agency Resources

Colorado Water Conservation Board (CO DNR):
CO Water Conservation Board

Colorado Water Plan:
CO Water Plan

Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment: State Water Agencies and External Water Quality Resources:
CDPHE Water Agencies and Water Quality Resources

Western Water Assessment, a NOAA RISA Team:
Western Water Assessment

Intermountain West Climate Dashboard:
Intermountain West Climate Dashboard

8. Colorado Water Regulatory Boards and Commissions

Monitor Colorado regulatory commissions' meetings and minutes online.

Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGC)

Find out about Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission meetings and policy decisions touching on protecting public health, safety, welfare, the environment, and wildlife resources. Contribute to public comments and sign up for email updates:
Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission

Colorado Water Quality Control Commission (CWQCC)

Learn more about Colorado Water Quality Control Commission meetings and policy decisions:
Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission

9. Other Water Resources

The Colorado River District was created by the Colorado General Assembly in 1937 to provide legal and political representation for Western Colorado water interests. Learn more about Colorado water on their website:
Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission

10. Learn More About the Threat from Climate Change

View Tony Seba’s “Rethinking Energy: 100% Solar, Wind and Batteries Is Just The Beginning” presentation on YouTube. This presentation forms part of the Joint Declaration recently published by the Global 100% RE Strategy Group and takes 12 minutes to view:
YouTube recording of "Rethinking Energy"

image Colorado Lake Surrounded by Pine Trees. Royalty free image from

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