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Date: 3/8/2024
Subject: Board Briefings - March 2024
From: Irene R. Tynes, President, LWVCO

Board Meeting - February 27, 2024
Virtual Meeting - met by Zoom
6:33pm Call to Order and Establish Quorum Irene
  No changes to agenda
  6:44pm Voter Service Report Barb
Still analyzing 2023 feedback
Working on 2024 Candidate Forum Guide with Beth and Jane
6:45pm Consent Agenda*: Irene
  • Minutes: 1/23/2024
  • Action & Advocacy Report
  • Policy 104.00 Board of Directors Orientation
To read the full minutes, click here.

woman clock


Initiative 89 Needs YOU

Initiative 89 is in the final weeks of petition signature gathering. All petitions are due to the LWVCO office by Friday March 29. The campaign is expected to surpass 100,000 signatures today, with 185,000 as the goal. So much more work is needed to get this important measure on the ballot in November to allow all Coloradans to have their voices heard -- keeping this important issue out of the hands of politicians.

How can you help?

  • Become a petition Circulator - HURRY! TIME IS LIMITED
  • Sign a petition - need to find our how or where to sign? Contact Jane Dunk
  • Spread the word!
  • Attend events and rallies - partial list can be found here.


Congratulations! Victory!

Big congratulations to LWV Greeley Weld, the Latino Coalition of Weld County, along with Stacy Suniga and LWVCO Board member Barbara Whinery on their successful suit regarding 2023's redistricting in Weld County! We are proud of their tireless work to keep our systems of democracy in place. 
Read a Greeley Tribune article about the victory here.

AI in Democracy
Join LWV Maryland on March 16 at 9:00 am to hear from two fantastic speakers, Danielle Allen, Ph.D., a professor at Harvard and Director of the Allen Lab for Democracy Renovation at the Harvard Kennedy School. She currently concentrates on tech governance and A.I. ethics at the "Governance of Emerging Technology and Tech Innovations for Next-Gen Governance Through Plurality.
Lawrence Nordan is Senior Director of the elections and Government program at the Brennan Center for Justice, He frequently speaks on how to protect elections from AI generated disinformation. He has been a member of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission's Board of Advisors since 2019.

Question marks

LWVUS Membership Changes

You are welcome to attend a meeting with LWVUS on March 27 at 5:30 for a Q & A session with LWVUS Staff!

2024 GVP Mar 21


Mar 12
Mar 13
Mar 14
Mar 18
 Mar 21 to be included in our next email. Thank you!


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