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Colorado Climate Emergency Task Force

Organization of the Task Force
Ann Sutton
The LWVCO Board has endorsed the formation of a local league-driven task force to propose and initiate actions to mitigate the climate change emergency.
The task force is forming into smaller subject matter teams that will develop goals based on research and on the official positions of LWVUS and LWVCO. Teams that are forming will cover Water, Air Quality/ Public Health, Energy/Renewable Energy, Transportation, Human Climate Migration, Pollinator Habitat/ Agriculture, Plastics Pollution.
Respond to this email to learn more.
Marina Connors

I'd like to learn more.

Ellen Dibble

I am interested in energy and sustainability. New member.

Kathy Wilson
Hi Ellen,
Welcome! We will look forward and appreciate your perspectives on this topic in our conversations and your participation in our actions.

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