2025 Testimony
HB25-1198 Regional Planning Roundtable Commission - SUPPORT
Dear Members of the Transportation, Housing & Local Government Committee:
My name is Jo Feder and I am a Volunteer Lobbyist with the League of Women Voters of Colorado’s Legislative Action Committee. I am writing in Support of HB25-1198 on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Colorado.
The League of Women Voters of Colorado (LWVCO) has been a nonpartisan organization for 105 years, encourages informed and active participation in government, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Our membership spans the state of Colorado with 18 local leagues operating in several regions around the state.
Read the full testimony here.
HB25-1273 Residential Building Stair Modernization - SUPPORT
Dear Members of the Transportation, Housing & Local Government Committee:
My name is Kate van Houten, and I am a Volunteer Lobbyist with the League of Women Voters of Colorado’s Legislative Action Committee. I am writing in support of bill number, on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Colorado.
The League of Women Voters of Colorado (LWVCO) has been a nonpartisan organization for 105 years, encourages informed and active participation in government, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Our membership spans the state of Colorado with 19 local leagues operating in several regions around the state.
Read the full testimony here.
HB25-1225 From from Intimidation in Elections Act - SUPPORT
Chair Willford, Vice-Chair Clifford, members of the committee:
I am Holly Monkman, here on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Colorado. We support HB25-1225.
Since 1920, the League of Women Voters has been a grassroots organization whose leaders believed that we all play a critical role in our democracy. The League has always worked to promote the values and processes of representative government. Protecting and enhancing voting rights for all Americans; assuring opportunities for citizen participation; and working for open, accountable, representative, and responsive government at every level all reflect our deeply held convictions.
Read the full testimony here.
HB25-1242 Government Transparency Laws - SUPPORT
House Committee on State, Civic, Military, and Veterans Affairs
Chair: Representative Willford
Representatives Bradley, Feret, Mabrey, Wilford, Carter, Froelich, Ricks, Bottoms,
Espenoza, and Luck
Madame Chairperson and members of the committee:
Thank you for the opportunity to testify. My name is Linda Hutchinson and I represent the League of Women Voters of Colorado. As you know, the League has been nonpartisan for all of our 105 years. The League of Women Voters supports HB25-1242
The League supports this bill because it rolls back the passage of Senate Bill 24-157, which negatively impacted transparency in Colorado. The stated intention of SB24-157 was not to curtail transparency; it was, in part, to ensure that legislators could have deep conversations with one another, without interference from lobbyists. The League generally favors efficient and effective government, but we do not favor expediency in government at the expense of transparency in government. That transparency is key to a healthy democracy because it allows voters to be informed participants and fulfill their role in the democratic process.
Read the full testimony here.
SB25-077 Modifications to Colorado Open Records Act - change from Amend to Oppose
House Committee on State, Civic, Military, and Veterans Affairs
Chair: Representative Willford
Representatives Bradley, Feret, Mabrey, Wilford, Carter, Froelich, Ricks, Bottoms, Espenoza, and Luck
Madame Chairperson and members of the committee:
Thank you for the opportunity to testify. My name is Linda Hutchinson and I represent the League of Women Voters of Colorado. The League is a nonpartisan organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in their government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The League of Women Voters opposes Senate Bill 25-077, Modifications to Colorado Open Records Act. The League of Women Voters has a long history of supporting transparent government. We believe that transparency is a key component of a healthy democracy. We also believe that voter access to information about what their government is doing should be barrier free.
Read the full testimony here
SB071 an SB124 re Drugs
My name is Jim Rogers and I live in Cortez. I am submitting written testimony on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Colorado. I am a member of the League’s legislative action committee, a retired general surgeon and a member of Southwest Health System’s board of directors.
The League of Women Voters of Colorado supports SB25-071 and strongly opposes SB25-124. The League of Women Voters maintains that access to quality health care is a basic human right. SB25-071 (Prohibit Restrictions on 340B Drugs) seeks to preserve the current federal requirement that pharmaceutical companies supply medication at discounted prices to hospitals and clinics which provide care to Medicaid and uninsured patients. The current 340B system allows health care organizations to utilize savings realized from these discounted drug purchases to support money losing but essential services. Good examples of these services are obstetrics in rural hospitals and burn centers located in urban settings.
Read the full testimony here
SB25-001 Colorado Voting Rights Act
Thank you Mr. Chair and Members of the Senate State Affairs Committee:
My name is Andrea Wilkins and I am the legislative liaison with the League of Women Voters of Colorado. I am here to testify in strong support of SB25-001 – the CO Voting Rights Act.
For over 100 years, the League has worked to educate voters and encourage citizen participation in our political process. LWVCO is proud to be part of a coalition of civic engagement organizations that have been working for over a year on the development of the Colorado VRA to strengthen voter access and provide additional state-level protections to combat voter discrimination. As voter access across the U.S. is being challenged and we see dilution of the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, many Colorado voters feel we can no longer rely solely on federal law protections and that Colorado must do everything possible to ensure the voices of our citizens are heard. SB1 does just that and we are pleased that our state continues to lead the way in promoting elections integrity and voter participation.
Read the full testimony here.
SB25-001 Colorado Voting Rights Act
Dear Members of the Senate State, Veterans &; Military Affairs Committee:
My name is Dr. Barbara Whinery, and I live in Greeley, CO. I have been a long-time member of the League of Women Voters Greeley-Weld County and I am a member of the LWV Colorado Board of Directors as Director of Voter Services.
The League of Women Voters believes that voting is a fundamental citizen right that must be guaranteed. SB25-001 – the Colorado Voting Rights Act, provides specific, state-level protections to all of our state’s eligible voters and advances this foundational belief of our organization. I urge you to support this bill.
Read the full testimony here.
SB25-001 Colorado Voting Rights Act
Good afternoon. My name is Beth Hendrix and I’m the Executive Director of the LWVCO. The League turned 105 last Friday and has spent that time advocating for equal voter access and fair elections where every vote is counted and every voice heard, especially for those who historically have not had that right. The Colorado Voting Rights Act is an excellent example. We’ve had the honor of being involved from the get-go, thanks to our partners Common Cause and Harvard’s Election Law Clinic, and we have members across the state advocating locally to strengthen protections for Colorado voters.
I’m pleased to present a statement to the Committee from one of our members.
Dear Members of the Senate State, Veterans ; Military Affairs Committee: I am Janine Reid, a volunteer lobbyist with the League of Women Voters of Colorado. We are a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. We currently have 1800 members in 17 chapters throughout Colorado. The League of Women Voters strongly supports this bill.
Read the full testimony here.
SB25-161 Transit Reform
Thank you Madame Chair and Committee.
My name is Ann Sutton from Westminster Colorado.
This testimony represents the position of the League of Women Voters of Colorado in Support of this bill to expand mass transportation in RTD, to grow transit ridership, and to make services competitive with driving.
The League supports a balanced transportation system that helps improve mobility and quality of life for all residents. Planning should consider social, governmental, economic, and environmental factors. Before 2021, I could take an express bus from Northglenn Park n Ride to Civic Center station to visit the Capitol or the League offices. From my home it took 15 min to drive, park, catch the bus for a ride of less than 30 min, and a tolerable walk.
Read the full testimony here.
SB25-162 Railroad Safety Requirements
Thank you Madame Chair and Committee. [Chair Winter; Vice Chair Cutter]
My name is Ann Sutton and I am representing the League of Women Voters of Colorado in
Support of this bill on Railroad Safety.
The League believes that when governmental services or functions are transferred to the
private sector, the community impact of such transfers must be identified and considered.
America’s freight rail system is a service carried out by private companies subject to regulation
by the federal government. But the enactment of state laws to control the process of
privatization within a state’s jurisdiction -is appropriate and desirable.
Read the full testimony here.
HB25-1168 Housing Protections for Victim-Survivors – SUPPORT
Dear Members of the Transportation, Housing & Local Government Committee:
My name is Kathy Smith, and I am a Volunteer Lobbyist with the League of Women Voters of Colorado’s Legislative Action Committee. I am writing in support of HB25-1168 on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Colorado.
The League of Women Voters of Colorado (LWVCO) has been a nonpartisan organization for 105 years, encourages informed and active participation in government, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Our membership spans the state of Colorado with 18 local leagues operating in several regions around our state. The LWVCO supports policies to provide a decent home and a suitable living environment for everyone and continued evaluation to provide a basis for revision and strengthening of all procedures so that equality of opportunity for access to housing can be accomplished.
Read the full testimony here.
SB25-077 Modifications to Colorado Open Records Act
House Committee on State, Civic, Military, and Veterans Affairs
Chair: Senator Weissman
Senators Ball, Pelton, Pelton, and Sullivan
Mr. Chairperson and members of the committee:
Thank you for the opportunity to testify. My name is Linda Hutchinson and I represent the League of Women Voters of Colorado. As you know, the League has been nonpartisan for all of our 105 years. The League of Women Voters is offering an amendment to SB25-077.
The League of Women Voters has a long history of supporting transparent government. Transparency is key to a healthy democracy because it allows voters to play their designated role as informed participants in their government.
Read the full testimony here.
HB25-1030 Accessibility Standards in Building Codes – SUPPORT
Dear Members of the Local Government & Housing Committee:
My name is Kathy Smith, and I am a Volunteer Lobbyist with the League of Women Voters of Colorado’s Legislative Action Committee. I am writing in support of HB25-1030 on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Colorado.
The League of Women Voters of Colorado (LWVCO) has been a nonpartisan organization for 105 years, encourages informed and active participation in government, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Our membership spans the state of Colorado with 18 local leagues operating in several regions around our state. The LWVCO supports policies to provide equal opportunity for housing for all persons regardless of their race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or disability and supports responsible land use planning by all levels of government.
Read the full testimony here.
SB25-153 Public School Financial Reporting Requirements - SUPPORT
Mr. Chair and Members of the Senate Education Committee:
My name is Kathy Wilson, I represent the 1800 members of the League of Women Voters of Colorado in SUPPORT of SB 153. The League is a nonpartisan organization that encourages citizen participation in government. We urge you to vote YES of SB 153.
The League has longstanding principles and positions upon which we base our decisions on legislation. We believe that when government passes school legislation, it should be judged on efficiency, equity, and the respect of local control. The League supports legislation to update the focus, transparency, and reporting of government funded entities like public schools. Relaxing transparency requirements for schools, as has been done in the past, can create the opportunities for an uneven playing field for traditional public schools. In addition, ensuring transparency in school funds addresses a bedrock tenet of the League - the public’s right to know how funds are being applied.
Read the full testimony here.
SB25-063 Library Resource Decision Standards for Public Schools - STRONG SUPPORT
Mr. Chair and Members of the Senate Education Committee:
My name is Dr. Kathy Wilson. I represent the League of Women Voters of Colorado’s 1,800 members from across the state regarding SB 063. As a nonpartisan organization the League encourages citizen participation in government through education and advocacy. We urge you to vote YES on SB25 063.
The grounds for League advocacy decisions are our longstanding Positions. Our national position on Individual Liberties states: The League of Women Voters of the United States believes in the individual liberties guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. The League is convinced that individual rights now protected by the Constitution should not be weakened or abridged.
Read the full testimony here.
HB25-1102 Repeal National Popular Vote Compact - OPPOSE
I am Holly Monkman representing the League of Women Voters of Colorado. As you know, the League has been nonpartisan for all our 105 years. We oppose this bill.
Not only did the state legislature vote to join the National Popular Vote Compact, but the voters of Colorado affirmed the legislature’s decision by passing Proposition 113 in 2020. This was a rare opportunity for the voters to weigh-in directly on a bill passed by the legislature & we believe it speaks loudly in favor of electing our President & Vice-President via national popular vote. In the view of the voters, both the state-by-state winner-take-all aspect of the Electoral College and the unequal weight of the electoral votes between states are viewed correctly as inherently unfair and unrepresentative. Additionally, the number of electoral votes awarded does not fluctuate with voter turnout. Colorado awards 10 electoral votes regardless of whether 1,000 or 3 million ballots are cast.
Read the full testimony here.
In opposition to HB25-1055 – Repeal Firearm Dealer Requirements & State Permit
Submitted by Rionda Osman, Boulder CO
I am the head of the Task Force on Gun Violence Prevention of the League of Women Voters of Colorado. The League is a nonpartisan organization that encourages informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The League supports policies to protect public safety, and, specifically, the League supports regulation of firearms for consumer safety.
I submit this letter as testimony in opposition of HB25-1055 – Repeal Firearm Dealer Requirements & State Permit. This bill seeks to repeal the provisions that regulate firearms dealers in Colorado, passed last year in HB24-1353 Firearms Dealer Requirements and Permit – CRS 18-12-401.
The League of Women Voters of Colorado has registered a stance of ‘Strongly Oppose’ toward this bill.
Read the full testimony here.
SB25-055 - Youth Involvement in Environmental Justice
Thank you Senator Mullica/ Michalsen Jenet and Committee.
My name is Ann Sutton and today I am presenting the Support of the League of Women Voters of Colorado for SB25-055.
The Youth of our nation and of the world are the ultimate stakeholders in addressing the existential effects of climate change. Youth should be included in making policy and in developing actions to mitigate the long-term effects of global warming.
Read the full testimony here.
HB25-1069 Increase Stakeholder Participation
House Committee on State, Civic, Military, and Veterans Affairs
Chair: Representative Willford
Representatives Bradley, Feret, Mabrey, Wilford, Carter, Froelich, Ricks, Bottoms, Espenoza, and Luck
Madame Chairperson and members of the committee:
Thank you for the opportunity to testify. My name is Linda Hutchinson and I represent the League of Women Voters of Colorado. The League is a nonpartisan organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in their government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Our membership includes over 2,300 members and spans the state of Colorado with 19 local leagues operating in several regions of the state. The League of Women Voters of Colorado supports HB25-1069, Increase Stakeholder Participation.
Read the full testimony here.
School Finance Adequacy Studies Results
Dear Members of the Joint Education Committee:
My name is Dr. Kathy Wilson, and I live in Loveland, CO. As a member of the League of Women Voters of Colorado’s (LWVCO) Legislative Action Committee I am representing the League regarding the School Finance Adequacy Studies findings. LWVCO is a nonpartisan organization with 1755 members in 19 local Leagues spanning the state. We encourage active participation in government.
The LWVCO strongly urges you to create an Interim Committee focused on implementing the recommendations of the School Finance Adequacy Studies by developing Colorado’s Blueprint for Student Success.
Read the full testimony here.
SB25-008 - Adjust Necessary Document Program
Dear Mister Chair and Members of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee:
I am writing in Support of SB25-008 on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Colorado.
The League of Women Voters of Colorado (LWVCO) has been a nonpartisan organization for 105 years, encourages informed and active participation in government, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Our membership spans the state of Colorado with 20 local leagues operating in several regions around the state.
Read the full testimony here.